Saying goodbye


Saying goodbye, that’s hard for me …

I’ve always been so bad at goodbyes, that feeling of not knowing when are you gonna say hello again, when are you gonna say hello again, when are you gonna receive that hug again, when are you gonna do all those things again. 

Some months ago I would think the biggest challenge was gonna be to say goodbye to family, but now I discovered a new fear.

You start a new life, from zero. You make new friends. But when you are alone, these friends became your family. These friends are now the ones that are gonna hug you, the ones that are going to listen to you and calm your fears, they are gonna be your laughs and tears now, they became everything for you.

But then, this moment comes, the moment to say goodbye. You probably met a “sister” or your big brother, you’ve found love but now you have to say goodbye. The tears appear, you go hundred ties to the airport, to the train station. Now the only things you have are suitcases, tears, hugs and goodbyes.


The fears appear, not knowing if you are gonna see your friends again, the fear of feeling alone, the fear of not meeting someone like them again, the fear of knowing that they go, but you have to stay.

I would probably say “don’t get attached again to people, sooner or later you or them will leave”. But then, what is the meaning of life? Life is about saying hello and goodbye, because maybe you won’t find someone like them. Not maybe, for sure not, you would find someone different, and it’s ok. You will just remember that time like nice memories you will always remember, and that’s nice


Now, there are only suitcases, train stations and airports and those “see you soon” said and written in many languages. There are smiles and wishes and “I’ll wait for you in …”, and it’s true that everyone is welcome. But with these departures, those parties become different. They are not there anymore. 

Yes, again there are smile and wishes and “I’ll wait for you in …”. But this time there are also tears and too many memories and “don’t go”. 

Remarks by the author

A short story about how hard it is to say goodbye, the uncertainty if you will see your friends again in life and how to deal with that uncertainty, and the question if family and friends are transitory or forever.