AI Generated Pictures

The images have been created with stable diffusion, DALL-E, playground, and Leonardo.AI

Title: “Belonging”

Remarks by the author:

My vision of belonging to a healthy and happy community, living in harmony with nature.

Title: “Bloom and Blossom”

Remarks by the author:

I wanted to show that everybody is beautiful and magic if they get a chance to bloom and blossom.

Title: “Capitalism”

Remarks by the author:

We are seduced by capitalism, and we follow questionable leaders. It is important to recognize the evil face and the destruction behind these seductions.

Title: “Careful, fragile”

Remarks by the author:

People are beautiful, but we are fragile and we can easily be broken. We need to take care of each other.

Title: “Celebration”

Remarks by the author:

The strong collective experience of a celebration.

Title: “Cities of Loneliness”

Remarks by the author:

More people than ever live together on one spot in our big cities, yet people also feel lonelier than ever. 

Title: “Cómo te llamas?”

Remarks by the author:

Travel, the world is your oyster!

Title: “Cosmic Balkan”

Remarks by the author:

I definitely will always belong to the Balkan. You can take me out of Balkan, but you cannot take the Balkan out of me! And on purpose I am saying Balkan and not a specific country, because we need to overcome the horrible nationalism. I want to take my beloved crazy Balkan brass bands to the universe to make the aliens dance!

Title: “Dancing with my Monsters”

Remarks by the author:

Don’t be afraid of your monsters! Make them your friends and dance with them!

Title: “Decisions, Possibilities, Consequences”

Remarks by the author:

There are endless possibilities in our lifes. Through decisions, we open some of the possible ways, and close others. 

Title: “Dream Wedding”

Remarks by the author:

I am modern and independent woman. I would even say that I am a feminist. And nonetheless I want a dream wedding with my dream prince. And that’s ok!

Title: “Empowered Woman”

Remarks by the author:

I can bend space and time. Don’t ever let anyone tell you who you are and what you are capable of and not.

Title: “Finland”

Remarks by the author:

An homage to my beloved Finland. Lakes, fish and forests. And since I can create the world as I want: no mosquitos there. Also, the fish seems to be talking, but nobody can hear him. And this is how we are: we have deep feelings and thoughts inside, but we talk with our souls, not our mouth.

Title: “Forest Spirit”

Remarks by the author:

Everything has a soul, also forests, mountains, lakes, even houses and computers. In our modern society, we have lost the ability to recognize and respect these souls.

Title: “Friends are the Family you can choose”

Remarks by the author:

When I think of belonging, the first thing that comes to my mind are my friends, and the precious moments we spend together. The moments only happen once in life and then become dear memories, like blurry polaroid pictures that we proudly and happily keep in your hearts.

Title: “Future, here we come!”

Remarks by the author:

There is so much pessimism in my generation when we talk about the future. Our maybe it is just the media and the boomers brainwashing us into believing it. I am convinced our future will be amazing and there is so much to discover and create!

Title: “Is this the World we created?”

Remarks by the author:

Listen to the Queen song of the same name while looking this picture. 

Title: “Let’s party like it’s 1699”

Remarks by the author:

I had two thoughts when I created this picture. On the one hand, this can be about how the new and the old mix and form new traditions. On the other hand, it could be that humans got extinct and robots now rule the world, and they have fun re-enacting human behaviour and customs.

Title: “Lost and Found”

Remarks by the author:

The suitcases are a metaphor for our lives and journeys. We are all on our journey, and many of us get lost, but also found.

Title: “Magic Childhood”

Remarks by the author:

As kids, the world is magic to us, full of mysteries and possibilities. We are curious and we have not yet been hurt, we launch ourselves fully into life, without inhibition. It is important not to lose this sense of wonder and magic despite of adult life.

Title: “My Roots in the Andes”

Remarks by the author:

My other life, the village of my grandmother, the landscape and animals of the Andes, the strong colours of red earth, blue sky and yellow grass of the Altiplano, the lush green and mysterious milky haze of the cloud forest in the lower lands, the golden sunsets.

Title: “Nature strikes back”

Remarks by the author:

We talk a lot about the wisdom of nature, the protection mother earth gives us etc, but nature can also be violent! And time is definitely on the side of nature, humans might be but a brief moment in the lifespan of planet earth.

Title: “Return to Innocence”

Remarks by the author:

I would love to run through a grassy field of wild flowers like I saw in the cartoons when I was a child.

Title: “Sad Mother missing her Child”

Remarks by the author:

Many of us have left their home in search of a better life. But we have left behind our families, the people who love us and gave everything for us. It breaks my heart to think about it.

Title: “Polar Serenity”

Remarks by the author:

There is a Swiss song called “Eisbär” (Polar bear). The singer expresses that he would like to be a polar bear, so that he could finally find peace and serenity and clarity, without having to deal with all the troubles we are facing here. And he would finally be free of sadness and disturbance. I can strongly relate to this wish of escaping one’s own feelings (and the song is very danceable! However obviously written before the awareness on global warming and the melting of the polar regions).

Title: “Shy but curious”

Remarks by the author:

Shy but curious, this is how I see myself.

Title: “Stick to your Friends!”

Remarks by the author:

It is very important to stick to your friends. That’s why I made the image as a sticker.

Title: “Taste the Nectar”

Remarks by the author:

Life gives us many pleasures and opportunities to experience and enjoy. Let’s not be shy and use the opportunities!

Title: “The Temple of Nature”

Remarks by the author:

Nature is a temple. A sacred and holy place, a place that you need to take care of, a place where you can receive blessing and power, where you can connect to a higher purpose, and where you are part of something bigger than yourself.

Title: “Warm Swarm”

Remarks by the author:

After a day full of work, gathering with your swarm and enjoying the evening together, chatting, maybe grabbing some food.